#!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use warnings; use Digest::SHA qw(sha512224_hex); use Image::ExifTool; use POSIX qw(strftime); use File::Copy; use File::Basename; use Time::Local qw(timelocal); my @stat; my $ArchiveDir = '/mnt/beast/picture/Pictures'; my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool; $exifTool->Options(DateFormat => '%s'); if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) { print "Specify image filename on commandline\n"; exit 1; } my $file = $ARGV[0]; my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo($file); my $ctime = &sane_time(&find_time($info),$file); my @time = localtime($ctime); my $folder = strftime("%Y-%m-%d",@time); my $touch = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",@time); my $target = "$ArchiveDir/$folder"; my $basename = basename($file); #print "File: $file\n"; #print "Folder: $folder\n"; #print "UNIX: $ctime\n"; #print "Touch: $touch\n"; #print "\n"; # #print join "\n", keys %$info; if (not -d $target) { print "Created directory for pictures: $target\n"; mkdir $target; } my $destination = "$target/$basename"; if (&same_file($file,$destination)) { print "Source and destination directories are the same, giving up before I hurt something\n"; exit 1; } if (not -f $destination) { print "$file -> $destination\n"; copy($file, $destination); no warnings qw(uninitialized); utime undef, $ctime, $destination; } else { print "$destination exists"; my $ohex = &digest($file); if ($ohex eq &digest($destination)) { print " -- duplicate, removing $file\n"; unlink $file; } else { print " -- files are different, '$file' needs a rename\n"; } } sub same_file() { my ($source,$dest) = @_; my ($sdev,$sino,undef) = stat($source); my ($ddev,$dino,undef) = stat($dest); if (($sdev == $ddev) and ($sino == $dino)) { return 1; } return 0; } sub find_time() { my ($info) = @_; my @times =qw(CreateDate DateTimeOriginal ModifyDate FileModifyDate FileAccessDate); foreach my $key (@times) { exists $info->{$key} and return $info->{$key}; } return 0; } sub sane_time() { my ($ts,$file) = @_; my ($year,$month,$date,$hour,$min,$sec); # So far, this is the only insane time I've encountered, so if we a time that isn't it, just use it. if ($ts !~ /0000:00:00 00:00:00/) { return $ts; } $file =~ s/[a-zA-Z]//g; # Remove all letters from the filename (which is becoming our timestamp $file =~ s/^[^\d]+|[^\d]+$//g; # Remove all non digits from the end of the string if ($file =~ /(\d{4})\.?(\d{2})\.?(\d{2})/) { $year = $1; $month = $2; $date = $3; $file =~ s/\d{4}\.?\d{2}\.?\d{2}//; $month -= 1; # Because perl $year -= 1900; # Because perl } if ($file =~ /(\d{2})\.?(\d{2})\.?(\d{2})/) { $hour = $1; $min = $2; $sec = $3; $file =~ s/\d{2}\.?\d{2}\.?\d{2}//; } return timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$date,$month,$year,0,0,0); } sub digest() { my ($file) = @_; my $sha = Digest::SHA->new(512224); $sha->addfile($file); return $sha->hexdigest(); }